Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ain't That The Truth!?

haha. so true. i'd be little miss sunshine all the time if i wasn't surrounded by morons.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Who Needs Toenails Anyway?!

Just registered for the Victoria Half Marathon Oct 7th!

I needed a boost to get my butt in gear again and a friend texted me to see if I was 'still in' for the Race in Victoria

Thats all I had to hear.

Turbo training since its in less than 6 weeks.

I'm already getting the same blisters as before; in all the very same spots and somehow the familiarity is comforting.

It'll be kind of cool to do a half on each coast of Canada.

Besides, that toenail is annoying me there in all its completeness and struggly little attempts to grow back to its full potential... :-).

Saturday, August 11, 2012

you know what really perplexes me?

how my mother,

a domestic goddess

exceptional seamstress - made my clothes as a child, and you'd never have known the difference. smocked dresses for my baby sisters that stopped people with inquiries on the method and threads used.

phenomenal cook  - we, regardless of finanical upturn / downturn, ate like royalty. no hamburger helper in our house (well, sometimes and it was a glorious treat). she'd dress a salmon like it was going to medal in the food olympics. and she made a  simple salad into an event, we'd stare in wonder as she magically turned lettuce and cukes and cherry tomatoes into something of a magazine worthy photo shoot. i don't know what she did when she made a tuna sandwich, but i've yet to find one of its equal.

cross-stitcher extrodinaire - remember that crafty little craft? she was quite adept at the complicated little designs and perfecting all those pesky stitches. she taught me how (once), so i made a strawberry. it was proudly displayed on the wall in my parents ensuite. (read: at the furtherest corner of the house lol)

the list goes on

my point is:

all these genes - why is it that i can't even successfully flip a pancake or omelette??

i no unnastannn .....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words - or Fifty Years

I have a weird facination with the past - it plays tricks with my mind - like how people made money, how little things cost, etc.

When I found this today on my newest mini-addiction, I thought it was so cool and wanted to share it.

Truthfully, I mainly wanted to post it so I wouldn't forget where to find it on

But hope you like it just the same :-).