Monday, March 31, 2008

The S & S Files

The plaque I gave Ross and Stephanie for Christmas.
I took the photo, and Mo worked her magic and created a masterpiece!
It reads:
Together we will see many sights and paths yet we will see with our own eyes, march with
our own steps, burst with our own discoveries, and at the end of the day we have different stories to tell even though we have walked together.

Love his sweet little feet

And of course, hers are moving. Always moving.

(click to enlarge)
As you all know, I cherish any afternoon I get to hang out with these two.
Days of schelping them around on my hip are gone
Babyish shouts of "Yan" have given way to an articulate "Leanne"
And broken little sentences have transformed into expressive and
cognizant thoughts and stories
No more do I get to strap them in a stroller and
go where I think is the most fun
Now we collectively decide where to go and play
And by collectively, I mean they decide
Because admittedly, I am wrapped
And wrapped tight
They know it
and I know it
And on this particular overcast Saturday,
they wanted me to take them to the 'kate-a-bode" park as Skyman used to
call it.
Despite my best sales pitch for the Discovery Centre, A movie, The mall, anything but the
Skateboard Park (it was chilly) ....
it did nothing to stop him
in fact,
he loved it because
(direct quote) there were no teenagers there.
There was noone there because
Overcast skies gave way
The good ol' Halifax skies opening up
leaving us in the open, unprotected, and
unforgiving Commons
to fend for ourselves in this unforseen deluge.
This didn't stop Skyman!
You can see him in the pictures
Testing his skill in the 'bowl'
Storme (who could care less where she went that day)
and I huddled in a itty bitty 'room for one'
shelter that smelled like urine
and munched on the
snacks she rationed out.
One at a time.
And I loved every minute of it.

Little monkeys climbing the wave on the waterfront
(On a much nicer day)


Kennyo said...

Hey leanne, cool site I'll be checking it out.. later

Anonymous said...

Hi LeeLee
I love new blog!!