This is my new ride. Preeeety Sweet!
Its called a Wiggle Wagon or a Rock Truck.
I'll be working 20 days on, 8 off.
They'll fly me home every 20 days on a charter flight.
5 hours from FMM to Halifax. Hot meal served during the trip,
we touch down in Thunder Bay for 20 minutes to refuel.
The company is Thompson Brothers.
The guy is from Stratford, PEI and makes sure any Easterner
who comes his way is given a job.
He said about 90% of the crew is from the East Coast.
I'll be living in the Executive Suites in camp.
That means I don't share a bathroom with anyone, and i THINK it means
I don't have to empty out my room every rotation.
I don't care about those extra perks. I just wanted to drive a wagon and get
flights home. So this has gone beyond anything I 'required'.
I am so thankful for this job and appreciate all the prayers and support from all of you.
I'm going to miss Mom and Dad, Barry, Iris and kiddos!
I'm so glad I got to hang out in FMM for the two weeks that I did.
It was fun getting to know the city and bombing around in the Wave!
Lee xo
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