Sunday, November 9, 2008

Reading to Handley

Handley LOOOOVES to be read to. I LOOOOVE reading to kids.
Its lets me be a kid for a couple of minutes, over-animating the charactors,
using voices that don't really exist and generally being goofy.
Kids usually love it ....
And what I love about Handley is that he asks intelligent questions at the end.
Very imaginative and of course, Auntie Lelann comes up with some far-fetched
answer just to further warp ...... (no worse than their father would do ... :)

I just love this picture of him. He is such a precious little boy.
I wish everyone could meet him. He has the sweetest smile,
the biggest dimples and loves to cuddle.
I miss him and Marilu so much.
Someday I hope we all live a little closer to each other.

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