What do you want first?
Lets just get straight to the point here with the bad news.
The bad news is: That contract for the 15 km road which would've given us months of work, (they were estimating 20 trucks day shift AND night shift)has been cancelled.
Big Boo,right?
Heresay is: I likely won't be laid off, IF theres no work here for me I'll go to another camp (still with my current employers) where the pay is more, but they don't fly you home, but will work around seat sales. AND they're going to start flights in April. At this site, alot of the employees live at Wapasu camp, which is like a luxury hotel where I kind of desperately want to live. Its got leather couches, two gyms, two cafeterias, two lounges with gas fire places (Tyler Mullendore lives there)and they jam every Tuesday night.
So the Good News is I'm here. Alot of people aren't coming back.
The Cool News - GET THIS! Since I love a good story, I'm not going to tell you right away - you have to listen first.
So, I'm on the plane in YHZ, randomly choose a seat where noone is sitting beside me. The guy starts chatting to me, which is really good because I was crytexting Adam. (crying while texting)And I oblige, he seems nice enough. But get real, do I really have the guts to be rude to someone ???? ANYWAY - we're chatting about nothing in particular and he mentions when he 'lived in Goose Bay'. And earlier we had discovered we were the same age (you know, we're both 27). So naturally I asked him if he knew Andrew, Gwen and the other Andrew.
HE LIVED NEXT DOOR TO THE SWANS !!!!!!! And knew Andy and his family.
Maybe thats not as amazing to you as it is to me.
Seriously, what are the chances ??
So we concluded that we must have rode bikes and played in the woods behind J street. Because I remember being there and collecting the neighbour kids to go bike riding.
He said "I've been to the Gospel Hall Church before".
Isn't that so cool ?
(chatty gus got on in Hamilton - so Goose Bay guy and I had a couple of hours of uninterupted conversation)
(the pictures? just because. I wish I bought that hat. And I didn't want to have a 'naked post'.)
You most definitely should have gotten that hat. Next time though! That would be sweet if you get switched to the other camp... that would be sweet! Call me, I miss you & am bored!
Cool story!
It would be sweet if you got to go to the other camp!! Keep us posted!
love, mo
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