Monday, March 16, 2009

Bitter Betty

I just skimmed through that last post.
and sure didn't mean to sound bitter.
cuz I'm not.
Like, from the heart, I'm not.
I'm nothing. Not sad. Mad. Happy.
It is what it is. ( I know you hate that expression Mo, but it fits this time)
All I'm saying is (and I won't beat a dead horse) why take me all the way to camp, have me spend lots of dollars on stuff to keep me going for three weeks only to pull the plug after one day.
Its a pattern they seem to follow.
I feel lucky I'm not one of the guys they called back in Feb from the East (on their own dime) and sent them home a week later. They'd barely made enough that week to cover their ticket.
I'm just saying .... show some respect and consideration. Really.


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