Dad is working 2.5 hours East of Edmonton.
On back roads, routes east, routes west, turns to the left,
right turns, and mind numbing straight boring roads.
Dad drove there, I tried to pay close attention to the map,
etc. As I was driving back alone.
So we say our goodbyes, good lucks and see you soons, and I start driving
north ......
I was bopping along in the Wave, listening to/singing along to music,
TOTALLY had this under control .... I could do this, who needs a GPS
when you have a hard-to-read map, and a directionally challenged, kareoke singing driver??
I knew at some point fairly soon after dropping Dad off, I'd have to turn left.
Well, I see the T intersection and flick my signal, and turn left.
So proud of myself for being such a good rememberer.
I think I drove for 20 minutes, looking around, belting out the tunes, when I see a sign
that says "Kinsella". I start thinking about Sophie Kinsella and the Shopaholic series and how bummed I am that I'm not going to the movie with Liana ..... lalalalalalalalalala land.
Then I start thinking "I didn't drive throught this town on the way here".
I turn around. Trying to read the map. Turn the music off - I need to concentrate.
But no biggie. I had lots of daylight left. I was cool as a cucumber. I even budgeted time for stuff like this. I see a Junction sign and pull over to see if I could figure out where it was on the map in relation to where I knew I should be.
I pulled onto the shoulder - which wasn't a shoulder at all. It was a ditch.
Not a deep one. But a ditch just the same.
Just my front tires went in. But I couldn't back it out.
I broke out into a sweat and maybe I said a swear word. Maybe. I don't really remember.
Dad, had given me his CAA card at the last minute.
So I called them. Explaining that I was completely fine, the car too.
But that I was in the middle of absolutely nowhere and didn't really
know why I was calling her. I furthered my reasoning with at least someone knew
I'd slipped off the road in case she'd heard on the news of grisly crime in the back roads
of SouthEastern Alberta. As I'm on the phone to her, a huge truck was approaching, and I waved them down (as apparently, me standing in the middle of the road didn't raise any red flags with the previous driver who slowed only momentarily before hitting the gas again, speeding off into the desolate horizon) She promised to stay on the phone with me.
The truck came to a screeching halt, and backed up about 75 feet to come to my rescue.
It turns out they were hog farmers with a full load.
They attempted to push me out. I started spinning.
The older German gentleman went to get chains and they were going to pull me out.
However, a half ton came along, slowed to help and the Big Rig driver waved him closer and
just attached the chains to the other truck (without even asking the guy!!)
So the end of the story is: I got out safe and sound, smiles all around
and with refreshed directions from a german pig farmer.
Pretty sketchy. Off the road. In freezing cold. Not even able to tell the CAA girl where you were.
Thank goodness it was daylight and at least two people felt they should stop and help!
My first thought was "only me or Ashley, would this happen to.
LOLLLLL! I'm glad you are safe! Too funny that they attached the chains to the other truck without asking.
Priceless!!! Something about a ditch, some pigs, and chains...that must be a metaphor for life somehow.
I'll be thinking about this story all the way to shopaholic!
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