Tickets Tickets Tickets. Game tickets, 50/50 (we didn't win the $3417 pot!!) and C-train tickets. Which are $2.50. Its based on an honor system. But if you are caught without it, the fine is $150! So its not really worth the risk to try and sneak on. And the "play cops, Transit cops, rent-a-cops", (they have many terms) are always around. We saw two kids getting ticketed.
We had super seats. Section 211 in case you care.
Ummmm..... Not the most exciting game. I had a blast anyway. Hughie's alot of fun. He's from Antigonish and has the craziest stories ! Plus, I got all the juice from my old job. Not that I really care anymore!
Our Goalie.
A little T/O huddle ....
It was a great time, I had the cutest video ever but Blogger is having another mood swing and won't allow me to upload it, so I'll have to try again another time.
Moving on. There are a couple of things I'd like to share as I've had a very interesting weekend. Well, we all know about Friday night now, so let's continue on the tour.
I had nachos at the hockey game, you know the ones with the plastic cheese (as Liana calls it). I don't eat that kind of stuff. Ever. Well, recently I've been slipping in the nutrition side of life, but I digress .... So 2am arrives with me being woken from my sleep with intense abdominal pain. So there goes another night sleep. ( I think I've slept through the night mayyyybe 10 times since the new year) Anyway, word to the wise : STAY AWAY FROM HOCKEY GAME NACHOS. Though noone should have to tell anyone that.
Saturday was busy , I was ti-red. Had to get my hair cut ($70) later. Its things like that that are making me realize that I cannot support myself in a place where groceries and haircuts and basics in life are so outrageously expensive. And to get a second job just to meet the basic requirements in life is not something I want to do! I can move back home and NOT have to do that. So to continue: Saturday evening brings me back to church. I know, I know, I go from not going to church for 9 years to going 3 times a week. I don't go to the Saturday night service, but was asked to go as a favor. A guy who attends there volunteers at a homeless shelter and has been bringing several of the "guests". So there were a few of us who were there (incognito, of course) to just make them feel comfortable and welcome. One of the guys was from Spryfield! Anyway, they are all very sweet , one even gave me a business card from his workplace and asked me if I'd found a job yet. The stories they have are pretty incredible. You know, you see 'them' everyday. They are distinctive - let's face reality- the bad clothes, the face that tells a thousand stories, the weatherbeaten hands. But they have their reasons for being homeless. And every situation is different with the same thread weaving its way through.
Without giving any names or anything - obviously- I'll quickly share one guys story. And I wasn't asking questions. We were at the Job Connect table and I was picking out all these shiny, self help, job seeking tips and tools, etc and passing them to him. I was like "here, take these, this book has cool quizzes in it. You'll like it". I don't even know the guy and I'm telling him he's going to love this book that is analyzing him by what his favorite smells are .... But when someone is comfortable with you, they share, and he did. Because I asked him what kind of work he was looking for and what kind of job was he just laid off from, he proceeded to tell me about his career as a firefighter (this guy is hu-ge, 6'5, 270lbs), EMT and one day he was called to an accident and it was his wife and baby (not even 2yrs old) and he couldn't save them. He was 30 yrs old at the time and spent he the next 5 years doing heavy drugs and alcohol. One day he found a picture of his little boy and decided at that moment to stop using. He carries a picture of him right where your license would be- its so heartbreaking. He's lost everything and now lives at the shelter. But he smiles when he shows the picture, because "That is the little boy that saved me". The Mustard Seed has dorms where people can live for longer periods of time. Not just overnight.
So that was Saturday night. Sunday, today, I met a couple and their baby, Noah, who is 2 1/2. Noah was born both blind and with a heart condition. He spent his first nine months on life support, has had two transplants and you're not going to believe this (are you even still reading after all of this babbling???) , he can see! Seriously. The docs can't explain it. But he regained his sight. Pretty amazing huh??? He doesn't have speech yet, but he parents are okay with that, they're quite happy with his results in life so far!
One last thing, then I'm going to go:
We went to ABC Restaurant today for lunch (Aunite and Uncle Lloyds choice). I was so hungry and we didn't get there until 2:00. I ordered Chicken Caesar salad. The service was horrendous so we didn't even eat until probably 2:45 or so. So I'm digging in, looooving this nice tender chicken with just the right amount of pepper on it. The Caesar was perfect! Just the right amount of garlic and for extra measure, I'd squeezed a lemon on it! I guess the big, fat, juicy and now dead FLY liked it too. I look down and see the biggest housefly ever drowned in my caeser soaked lettuce.I almost got sick. So the usual fuss ensued (fyi - the lettuce comes chopped and washed already, so my little buddy had come a long way!!) and I was given a menu to order something else, which I didn't get until almost 3:00!! ANDDDDD get this. The waitress comes back with the bill and says "I'm so sorry about that, I gave you a 10% discount". ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh really??? You gave me a WHOLE $1.24 OFF MY MEAL?? Geeeee, you are just the sweetest, MOST generous frizzy haired, too tight uniform, come-back-to-the-table-every-30 minutes-waitress I've ever had!
Let's just say .... I got my meal for free. I had Ray (well, Dee and I forced him) orchestrate the whole free part. He can charm the birds out of the trees (is that the expression??)
I know. I go from being all concerned and (sincerely) sad for my new church friends to making fun of my waitress' frizzy hair. I am a parody. And for that I apologize and I don't. The reality is, if she did her job, and did it even half well, I would overlook the fact that though it was clean, her hair was long, frizzy (as previously mentioned) and I will add, not tied back.
Now its 6:20 on Sunday night and I have to pack for Toronto. My first business trip ever. I feel so mature (pronounced: ma-tour) and grown up! ha!
So goodnight y'all - see ya when I see ya.
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Very Interesting
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