Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Following Heidi's Lead

So Everybody's doing it. Well, Facebook is. Isn't Facebook everyone?

Anyway, here are 25 random things about me.

But, theres the thing. They are more likes and dislikes. And it turns out, I dislike ALOT of things. I totally had to stop listing them, I was starting to look like a negative Nelly. And we all know that I'm like a firefly: Sunshine comes out my bum!

Here's your list (since you clearly DIDN'T ask!)

1) I hate being called Hon. It gives me goosebumps of whitetrashedness.
2) I don't like the taste or smell of Wintermint gum. It has a negative connotation for me. Weird.
3) Something else that irritates me is when people hang those dumb Calgary Flames flags from their car windows. It just screams tacky. I don't think the Flames are dumb, the car flags are. Bertuzzi ... well, thats a whole other story for another time!
4) When the microwave keeps beeping after the door is open bug me. And it shouldn't. (see, I think I'm just getting more and more irritable as I get older which leads me to
5) I'm going to be that old lady sitting on her porch in the rocking chair ,with a bad dye job and a stiff drink, yelling at the punks to get off her lawn.
6) I am secretly happy when bad things happen to people who deserve it (high road, where are you?)
7) Despite my outgoing personality, I am actually quite shy and prefer to be alone.
8) I have a secret that I've never revealed to anyone. Ever.
9) Despite my lack of "societal and financial" success, I feel very enriched by those who I choose to surround me.
10) Regardless of my home address come October 1st, I'll never regret my decision to leave Halifax for a year and find out what I really want in life.
11) I have a mild addiction to handcreams. The latest is OPI Juicie's. OMeGawsh, they're amazing. I have several small bottles (3 for each handbag, car, work, gym bag)
12) I also have a weird little fetish with mugs and notebooks. Strange, I realize, but its true.
13)The one person I desperately wish I could've met: Aunt Anne. The one person who I desperatley wish I could see again, even once: Grandpa.
14) I connect far better with men than women. Always have, and I think it may have to do with being a tomboy and only have boys to hang out with growing up.
15)I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
16)I have a very strong belief that when you say things like "I always give 110%", or "I never give up", or "You know, I'm just that kind of guy". That its not true. Because if you were actually like that, you wouldn't have to remind me. I'd just know.
17) I made the hardest and most heartbreaking decision of my life this year.
18) I want to make a difference in this world. Help build a school in Africa, initiate a "Feed the Homeless" program, do something meaningful.
19) I love the smell of scotch tape. It reminds me of Christmas
20)I have an irrational and unresolvable fear of all things small, furry and fast.
21)It really irritates me when people say "Yes'm (in a deeper than needed voice) or "I'll be booooooccccck". Drives me nuts. (can you picture the old lady on the porch now, anyone??)
22) I love the water, despite a deep seeded (deep seated?) fear of drowning, and didn't know I missed it until I came out West.
23) I can't sing to save my life but it doesn't stop me. Unfortunately for those in earshot.
24) I think I'm the right balance between country hick and city girl. I can rock out in my high heels and business attire talking to CEO's just as easily as my beat up clothes, hauling wood for the fire.
25) I love my family beyond measure and don't know what I'd do without them. My treasured girlfriends - you know who you are, I feel the same way about you. xo

25 is alot of things, hey? Talk about random. Though I'm sure not all of them were surprising !
There. Thats all. I'm sure you've got your fill of me for the day, so enjoy the rest of it. I'm in Toronto sitting in Olio, the restaurant/bar of the hotel eavesdropping on various business travellers talking over Martini's. I shouldn't have had this Latte - I'll be awake all night.


Heidi said...

Interesting, I love those things. You know Im dying to know the secret now, right?? lol

Miss you & Love you!

David Macdonald said...

I got a laugh out of the "small,furry and fast" reference

Sandra said...

#5 - You'd better have a chair for me...
These are 25 reasons why you're one of my favorite people in the world.