Saturday, April 4, 2009

Some Calgary Tidbits - and a Big U-turn Near the End

-Drivers are crazy. What a shock to my system, coming from being a passenger in a 3/4 tonne Dodge to being the driver in a Pontiac Wave. I've broken out in a sweat a number of times I must admit.
-Parking lots are worse. Often they have only one enterance/exit. Its the strangest thing.
-There are lots of old beater cars here. Like OLD.
-There are more trucks worth 80,000 than cars.
-Everyone seems to be dressed to the nines at all times. Hair done. Great boots, nice jeans, LOTS of Coach bags. And they bring casual to a different level alltogether. Only Lulu will do.
Its one extreme to the other, no middle ground. The others look like they've just crawled out of bed and they don't care. And bless their hearts, maybe they can't afford to be done up at all times - but the pendelum swing is what intrigues me.
-People are nice - contrary to previous reports I'd gotten. Like, for example, at Starbucks the other day, the girl gave me my order free because I had to wait in line.
-Everyone talks to you. Its kind of nice. Kind of creepy sometimes too, but... you gotta take the good with the bad as the saying goes.
-Its super cold here. And even colder downtown. Always.
-If you get on the wrong train - you're going in the clear opposite direction. In my experience anyway ..... yeahhhhhhhhhhh.... never be afraid to ask BEFORE you get on the Southbound train when you're destination is NE. Though they should SPECIFY on the train what direction its headed. Anyhow - lesson learned!
-I saw my first pair of Wranglers the other day. Shocking. Truly shocking! In this posh, downtown - all marble, glass and armchairs lobby, and out walks this big, tall cowboy hat and boots wearing, belt buckle sportin, High rise Wrangler wearing guy who looked like he took a wrong turn at Oklahoma.
-The shopping here is ridiculous. I'm like a junkie at a crackhouse. See, Its all research at this point. Just checking out the cool spots to come back and do my part in stimulating the economy.
I'm going to divert your attention for a second here:
When the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada decide its a good idea to "stimulate the economy", I think they lost all male voters and gained all the women's. Did they even understand that women, nationwide, were going to take that LITERALLY ?? Like we need any other justification to shop?! Its called estrogen people. We can make anything seem right in our heads. We don't need the powers that be encouraging us to spend ..... How many times do you think that expression was uttered in our heads while passing our Visas over, then spoken aloud with conviction when questioned later on.
I'm just saying. Don't misunderstand this as a negative rant. It more like - Dudes - what were you thinking???
So, I've said enough for today. I'm really bored here. Not knowing anyone and having to make your own fun is alot harder than you'd think. But I'm off to the gym. I only have a couple of days left on my week pass, then off to church with Dee and Adi ( a friend of theirs) and back to Dee and Rays for Iranian food.


Team Gaetz said...

It must be a corporate Starbucks...most of them here are private. Kate told me that the corporate stores have a quota of free stuff to give away per day! Pretty Crazy!

Megan {ShabbyBlogs} said...

Thanks for stopping by my site/blog! Just thought I'd return the favor...and I'm glad I did! I love the way you write and your pictures are so much fun! I'll be coming back. :)

Just by the way- if you switch your Blogger template to the basic Minima one, the layout will fit better for you. But this way is cute too!