Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lady Luck Was Smiling

Rogers Merchandising is a huge deal .... in Rogers world. Not in the real world. But we are paid based on perfect merchandising and its super stressful and nit-picky and surprisingly hard to maintain. So in order to soak our brains in all things Red, White and Christmas-y, we had hard core training today with big ticket items as prizes luring us from our cozy beds 2 hours early.

There were volunteers who eagerly stuck their hands up when a question was asked, knowing they had their pick of a magic bullet (great for 'busting up weed' someone quipped), a set of speakers, a digital camera, something else big and electronic, a digital picture frame, car kits (the reflective triangle with tools and a blanket inside) and an HP mini computer and printer. I sat and was quiet, mainly because merchandising is no longer my gig and I personally don't have time to know it. But the big prize was being drawn by reaching into a bag and grabbing a card with a name on it.

SHE CALLED MY NAME. I have such good luck with Rogers and winning stuff. Back in the AML days in Halifax, I was constantly winning stuff; golf clubs, $1400 Amex card, footballs, blender, etc.

I now have the coolest little gadget ever! It was super fun to win it and might start using the mini for work. It'll fit in my handbag! We'll see. I'm not a fan of change, so I'll probably stick with my clunky, Vista-wearing-Rocket-Stick-Not-Working comp that work gave me.

Going to bed, its been another 13 hour day and I don't need to be told again that I look like I haven't slept in 7 days!


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