Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving - Times Two

It was pretty sweet to get the call from Dee to come over for American Thanksgiving tonight. Pret-ty happy I did.
My butt and thighs are not.
I wore an oversized sweater and jeans that are just a little loose on the waist and battled rush hour traffic listening to Christmas Carols to get there. I wonder what I looked like bopping along in the Wave, weaving in and out of traffic, singing really off tune to Chris Tomlin's O Come All Ye Faithful ....
Anyway moving on....
Two of my favorites were there: As seen below. They just celebrated 67 years of marriage on Tuesday. And the latest count of people in their family (kids, kids kids, and kids grandkids) is 62!
Aren't they just the cutest ???

I love this woman so much. Love Love Love. I had to crop Uncle Lloyd out of it - his eyes were closed. Which led to Dee taking another picture ...

Which is this one and I'm half squatting, hence the fake-ish smile, as I'd just gotten back from le gymnaise - and it was a gooder ! I love how at 91, they are both quite comedic, and very quick with retorts and they "get" jokes and tell them. Uncle Lloyd loves a good laugh, as he is often the one providing them.

It was a meal to remember for sure! We all had seconds! Sweet potatoes with sour cream and brown sugar and big fat marshmallows baked on top with cinnamon sprinkles. Baked green bean salad soaked in mushroom soup and with fried onions on the top, brussel sprouts (for all the others) turkey, potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce, (Dad, you'd have eaten the entire bowl) ummm ... there was more, my foggy brain can't remember. Ray had to leave, as he always does, to go to a wedding rehearsal this time and not a funeral .... Their company tonight was a couple from Calgary who winter in Phoenix and SURPRISE - have a single son. Dee said - and I quote - " Leanne, Dave and Lynn have a son whose 33, so be aware". The expectant looks from 'the parents' prompt me to say - and I quote "He's too young for me anyway, so you don't have to worry". Leads to quiet murmurs of acknowledgement and nods of understanding.
Halfway through the meal Dave says "33? really? its too young? How old are YOU?" When I told him he said "Pfft! Thats not too young, its only a year". Smiling, I reassured him that 35 was my minimum age and I had to stick to it, I was done dating younger men, it hasn't fared well for me.
I like how parents out there love me .... and I can't manage to get the ACTUAL offspring to follow suit. Oh the irony that is my life ! :-)
Okay, so anyway, as I've digressed, let's get back on topic - which would be the other guest named Kate. She is a sweet Chinese gal who is an engineer in Houston, used to live here. Its pretty cooll that I meet someone new everytime I'm there.
I'm stuffed, x2 of everything will do that to you, and I need to go to bed. Its 11pm and I need my beauty sleep as I schelp around town tomorrow running errands and trying to figure my life out.

See ya later !


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