Monday, December 14, 2009

Creepy Loud Talker Strikes Again ....

So remember the guy I made a FaceBook status about - The Starbucks guy? Loudtalker, Longtalker, bragging about how much he tips at a restaurant? Critizing the 22 year old for making the wrong investments? How he was having trouble finding a good girl to date? He's a total know-it-all and the entire cafe knew his levels and areas of expertise ..... Welllll, anyway, I'm back at Star and sure enough, dude walks in, looks around, finds the only free chair .....
"Is this seat taken?" he politely asks.
"Ummmm, er, uh, no, go ahead", I mumble while avoiding eye contact and quelling the quickly rising and rapidly approaching panic.
He's being very quiet, just reading "Beautiful Kitchen" type magaines, smiling and laughing at various text messages he's receiving.
The funny part of this story is:
Theres a guy at a small table beside us, quietly working away on his comp, gets a call, answers it, and is having a professional conversation, super quiet and seems like a normal, decent business man.
And 'having-a-quiet-day-loud-talker-know-it-all' keeps looking over at him and sighing, then looks at me with pursed lips and rolls his eyes.
Its pretty funny.

And this pic - totally unrelated. Its just me and my attached at the hip friend. And I am truly (heres that 'b' word I think is so cheesy) blessed to have her. I often forget how important it is to have friends who hold you accountable to your stupidness. We are each other's 'accountability police'. Its easy when you move away from your best friends/sisters who will make sure you aren't doing dumb things and making silly decisions that are self centered and do what you think is best for just you ... I love that these great women come into my life and are having a very profound and positive impact on me.

We took tickets and directed people in the general direction of their seats. Our small group prepared and served desserts, and ushered. JD and I were commissioned as far from the kitchen as possible.
Apparently, we brought "a sense of joy and humor" to the ticket takin' job. Yay Team Awesome!

Gotta run,
battery is dying and I have work to do .....



omgoodnesssss .... He's on the phone now saying "yeah, well that means I'll have to call someone, and I don't call people, they call me. Just like I don't buy drinks at the bar" ..... its girls who buy me the drinks just to keep me around . He's totally flirting with a girl and then says to her "Well, I better go a meet my girlfriend for lunch".

Ughhhhh ..... And this is part of the dating pool I am now stuck with having to choose from ....



1 comment:

janelle said...

ooo leanne, he sounds like he's been to classes with "dimitri the lover" from toronto (seriously. google this guy and listen to the famous phone calls with olga.) ick.