Thursday, March 29, 2012

Calgary to Halifax in 7 days or YYC to YHZ if You're Super Trendy

Quick trip to NS - to relax and get some fresh salt air in my lungs again. Both flights were awesome - window seats and only one bathroom trip each way (poor aisle guys), a quick $12 Caesar at Ginty McCools or something like that at the Toronto airport while completely ignoring the proud Nova Scotian beside me at the bar telling the non-Maritimer who he was, where he was from, how expensive his beer was. "What was he drinking? Whiskey?" continuing to tell his new friend where he worked up north, why he was out there, etc. Ugh. Some people just make you ashamed to be from Nova Scotia.

I arrived to a hot summer day, left in a snow storm~ welcome to NS in March.

Kenny's sis and bro in law (Beth and Adam) are living there while their house is being built and we had a hoot. I wasn't in the mood to visit and be social, so I only called one friend and the rest of the time, I was a bum on the couch. I spent a lot of time laughing at Adam and sharing celebrity gossip with Beth. We all had a really great time - its so refreshing to be among people who you can really just simply be you around. Lucky for them! :-) Beth entertained us with things like "Kenny, didn't you learn that in Cop Camp?" And Adam with random outrageous comments.
Barry/Iris, Mark/Leah and families arrived and that set the weekend up quite nicely. There are so many pictures, that I've broken the posts up into events.
Hope you enjoy my trip as much as I did!


Susanne said...

Loved reading all about your trip! Sounds like you had some more much-needed reconnecting! Don't forget to come visit us again this summer.

Ramona said...

I loved every blog post- I know you all had a great time- lucky, lucky ducks.

Quinn is amazingly adorable. Love his face.