Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Got Hit by a Bus ...

Well, I was IN a bus that got hit by another one.

Mere seconds away from freedom at Kearl last hitch, so mere, that I'd just unbuckled my seatbelt and turned slightly in my seat to get my bag. We were about 60 feet away from parking and ..


I slightly bump against the seat ahead of me and look to my left and sure enough - theres the front right side of another giant bus with its mirror and door flush with ours.

My driver was an old white guy, super sweet and quiet and he just shook his head and motioned with with his hand (not the hand motion he wanted, I'm sure) for the other guy to move. (since the other driver just looked at him and stood up to talk to him but there were no means of communication considering the  juxtaposition of said busses)

Noone was hurt, the drivers just totally inconvenienced - drug tests, etc all because someone wasn't looking where they were going.

The passengers were just like "get us off this thing before they send us to Fort Mac to get tested and not let us off Site and all the other goodness that comes with Safety procedures. I'm surprised we didn't have to each write out a witness report.

And with that, I began my little journey south, then east to visit my fam in NS. Stay tuned.



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