Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Couple of Forgotten Posts

A few odds n' sods here:
Tara Jo Deagle and I were cruising around getting lost one day when we came upon Center Street Church. "Ohhhhhh .... I've heard so much about it, lets go take a look" was her response.
So we did. And got a personalized tour (pronounced "two-er" here in Alberta, not "toor" (like four, like its spelled, like its said if you're a Maritimer)

So here she is in front of the water fountain which is also the humidifer for the entire building.

And this is it from its driveway. Its pretty massive. Its bigger than FAC, but we have way more charactor and personality ..... to our building that is. :-) Greg Granau is a pastor there. You'll see him in the photos below.

This Gerry and his daughter Marilee. So cool to meet her. She's itty bitty, totally personable and has such a kind heart. Which encapsulates both parents quite neatly.

If you click on the picture, it will enlarge it (just remember though when you come back to the blog, to hit the 'back arrow' and not the X) and you'll see the labels on everyone.

Sorry for the crap pictures ... my abilities as well as my camera make a really shoddy combination for enjoyable photos.
So there you have it. I'm missing a couple of ppl there, but it gives you a snapshot of the names you hear from me.
Hows that for random?? Centre Street and the Mathesons !

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