Friday, January 6, 2012

Somethings Are Just Too Special To Let Go

Back, way back in ... 1989? Maybe? My cousin, and soul sister at the time, Gwen ( of fame) lived in Labrador and (if my memory is correct) people came to her school one day to teach them how to craft things out of leather.

While everyone else made little knick-knacks, she set out to make me a pair of slippers (insert size 10 feet joke here, Mark?). She laboured far longer than her peers on my slippers, and I was so flattered when she gave them to me knowing how much love (and most likely, regret haha) went into them.

They've travelled all over Canada with me all these years and I put them on the other day and got  sentimental.

I haven't seen her in close to a decade as life and miles have made visiting not very user-friendly; but it doesn't diminish my pride in knowing she is my blood and how she she went from this spunky little kid who yelled "HELLO BONNIE" at a wedding when we were really little to truly being 'the change she wants to see in the world'.

Love you Gwennie! Proud you're mine. xoxo

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Haha! i had completely forgotten about those slippers! i can't believe you've kept them all these years. we definitely have great memories of all our times together. maybe this year we'll meet up? Love you! xo