Thursday, May 29, 2008

Some Treasures, Some Tears, but Mostly Good Memories

So the big job while Dad was home was to tackle the basement.
Which was emotional, gratifying and back-breaking.
My little dust-mask (trying saying that three times fast)
I had to say it slow everytime I said it!
... already distracted ! My dust-mask was a lifesaver!
So Friday started with me arriving (doesn't it always - haha)
in the Mills at around 7:30.
Dad and I went to the Co-op in Whycocomagh for groceries.
Its a liquor store as well - and it was 20 minutes to closing time.
Safe to say, we waited in a small line up.
Saw John Kay there. (why is he called that?) - Kay's son?
Anyway, he told us "He was running out of gas, he had to come
and re-fuel". Meaning the liquor store part.....
It was great to see him though. He's not changed a bit.
We saw John Leonard... maybe ?? .... Barry's friend. Dad knew him.
Obviously, I didn't.
Oh! Then we saw Dorothy Cummings. Looks just like Doris.
Only with velvet leggings on ... and flowered Crocs.
Back home now - I started a little bit of the clean up that night
but truthfully, it was very overwhelming. And after working a
46 hours already that week, I wasn't up to the task !
HOWEVER, Saturday arrives - as it always does ...
And who needs to set an alarm or have a rooster when you
have a chainsaw.
At least this time, Dad held off until 7:17 am....
Though not as conditioned as before, the human fell asleep
again and woke up at 8:30 - showered, breakfasted and donned
my faithful little blue mask and set to work.

We un-earthed so many wonderful memories, lots of junk - like
record players and rolled paper fax machines ...
And from the archieves ....
Somebody's highchair - Barry's? Ramona's? Mine?

Ramona's Handiwork. Note the Woolco bag in the background.

Barry's Nubody's card from '89.

Mark's jack-knife holder

Dad's old cologne bottle

Letter from Ruthie
A r-e-a-l-l-y creepy cat. It looks so sad, I just had to take its picture.
Uncovered by boxes ... If I recall, this was Dad's workspace.
Mo left him a message ...
That's all for this post. It was quite the weekend. Lots of fun
with Jonah and Nate. Never a dull moment.

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