Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Pet Peeve

So .... I go to the gym alot.
(under normal day-to-day circumstances)
I also eat alot.
I have chocolate for breakfast.
I try every new potato chip known to man.
I will have a second helping of Chinese takeout. Sometimes a third.
You get the picture.
I also wear my yoga pants/hoodie/headband/sneaks about 90% of the time.
SO .....
when I'm at the checkout, buying (OMGOODNESSS ! amazing cappucino
gelato from Pete's Frootique; wish you could taste it) AND I'm in my gym clothes,
please, please, please don't ask me "why are you buying *insert sugar-laden treat of choice* if you are just coming from the gym? Why do you bother going if you are going to eat *said sugar-laden treat*?"
I will be polite when I answer you with the standard "Well, that's WHY I go to the gym, so I'm free to buy/eat whatever I like."
But as I'm answering you .... with my smile fake and plastered on ..... I will not be thinking pleasantries about you.

I'm just sayin' ......

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