Monday, January 19, 2009

I Wish ....

.... Everyone could see the skies of Alberta.
When the sun finally comes up around 8:30, the sky explodes in bold, breathtaking colours.
Firey orange & yellows, laced with deep green give way to peaceful blues and "theres-no-crayon-this-colour" purples. Its almost like you don't know where to start looking, it is all so amazing.
I sit in awe as the sun rises higher and the sky turns its bright, beautiful periwinkle blue.
Then I start to delve into my mind, give my head a little shake, and realize the day alone in the truck is waaaaaaaaay too long to be thinking deeply. So I turn my radio up and sing along to whatever station is coming in and out as bump along my little trail dumping and loading, dumping and loading, imagining being debt free and living on a Belize beach for a year ..... (not really, but wouldn't that be groovy??)
I'd post a picture, but my camera does not do it justice. Instead of ruining the scene, I'll let you imagine it yourself.


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