Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm Heeeere!!

Hello -
Just a real quick post here.
The internet is suuuuuuper slow here, so I don't know how much I'll be updating,
however, I'm going give a quick one now.
The camp is really nice.
Alot nicer than the last one.
I am living in an all girls bunk.
They asked me if thats what I wanted, I quickly said yes.
The girl at the front desk said "Well, no guys are allowed in the bunk,
they'll be dismissed immediately".
No Problem.
So far, the girls in the bunk are really nice.
Theres a rec center with real computers (that don't take forever to upload stuff)
They cost $6 an hour. Theres a commisary here too. Which is super.
Theres a pool table, a card table, and a room with a widescreen and wireless
and big comfy suede lazy boys.
Its -40 here today; noone worked and they don't think we'll be working tomorrow.
My room is alot nicer than my last. Its a foot bigger each way.
I have loads of books and I'm playing around on my new laptop, downloading pictures and music.
So I'll be okay here for another day without work.
Its lucky I was here, as they aren't calling anyone from the East back because its totally a day to day thing here. Nothing is concrete or stable in any way.
Nature of the business I guess.
I am already missing Handley's famous hugs and stories about trucks and airplanes.
And the way his little mouth crooks up to the right when he's making a point (just like Barry's grade 1 photo).
And Marilu's adult accounts of school that day. Or, should I say, teenage-ish recounts. With words like Totally and Actually and Seriously. Which Handley is mimicing and its too die for.
And I already miss Iris' laugh.
Its just nice to be around family - I didn't see much of Mom or Barry but it was nice to know they were 'there'.
I was so happy to be able to be there to help Iris out. I feel bad leaving because she still can't reach or lift or anything like that, but we both agreed that work is so limited right now, that it was best that I took this job - even if its only for a couple of weeks. She leads a very busy life and I don't know how she does it. So a big hand to mothers out there, both stay at home and working - I publicly applaud you!
These two and a half weeks were concrete proof that I am not cut out for motherhood and running a busy household. I personally couldn't keep up. I left like I was on that show on Slice where the sister or husband has to do the mothers work for a weekend and can't manage.
Though I never claimed it was easy work - I never would've imagined that it was that exhausting to get through the day. AND she goes to the gym every morning at 5 when she's well.

Anyway, I've talked your ear off - but thats the news.

Sorry, Leah, I couldn't take your call this morning, my ride was on its way - and with this time difference, I find it so hard to call because by the time I'm settled for the night, its 11:00 your time.

Love you all, miss you all.
(and I didn't spell check because I'm too tired and need t get back to my room - sorry if its annoying)

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