Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Color of Bliss

Just a quick update - Bree had an EMS conference this weekend in Banff and, I tagged along. We left promptly after work, well, after I drove home from work, packed (not enough clothes) in 15 minutes, drove in the middle of rush hour, trying to take a short cut, getting caught on way too many one way streets going the wrong way. That's when we left. 6:38. 1hr, 55 minutes after I finished work. Had a super trip up. (over? down?) Had a super trip THERE. Stopped in Canmore to meet up with a friend of her's. Ate really reallly bad food (bad for you food) and moseyed on our way.
Just leaving the Canmore exit back onto the highway, we saw a little car bombing along ahead of us, I noticed it was a little big longer than most K-Cars, those Reliant automobiles. I made her speed up - which didn't take much "making" and sure enough- A K-CAR LIMO!!! We were laughing so hard we were snorting and squeaking. I HAD to take a picture. I know its mean, but seriously, its a K-Car Limo, he has to expect some second glances (and the occasional photog). He wasn't as amused as we were ....... It also didn't help that Bree was pumping her fist in the air saying "RIGHT ON, MAN". He was the cutest little guy ever.

Saturday, a friend from Calgary came to visit for a couple of hours, I'll post pics later. We went to Lake Louise. It was gorgeous. Except we missed the turn-off somehow and ended up in BC! We went to a little place for dinner (the whole EMS crew) and off to an Irish pub for some music and other Irish pub stuff. I thought this sign was pretty funny.

Me, Bree n' Mo. The trio who bailed early.
This is Kevin. He's a Medic in Banff and organizes this annual conference. For Valentine's Day, his wife signed him up for a Tri-athalon. Seriously. He said "Honey, I got you a Nike heart rate monitor". She said "the triathalon is good for your heart too". He provided us with many belly laughs that night. The girl beside him is engaged to a Pictou County-er. Everyone I met was so nice. They told lots of EMT stories. And if you're out skiing and get caught in an avalanche, these guys are the ones you want to call! That was their workshop today. They had to find a dummy that was buried and get them out. Pretty cool stuff.

Today was Leanne day. I got up with the girls, went to Starbucks, got a coffee, came back to the room, read my book, didn't shower. Fell asleep from 8:50 to 10:20. Oops. Check out was at 11 and I was not packed.
I found a good hiking trail on a map and consulted the front desk staff, went to Safeway and got an apple and granola bar. (I still had my $3.10 water from Lake Louise Deli) I don't know why I even put these pictures up because you just can't even begin to understand what its like unless you are THERE. I was so happy I was alone. It was silent and breath-taking and you just feel so surrounded by unimaginable beauty. You feel peaceful and smiley and try to just drink it all in and hope it stays with you as muddle through the work week. I'm glad I got to do it on my own, but its definitely something that would be equally amazing with someone else. Bree, Mo and I are going to do it soon. It's crazy exercise. I was doing lunges up a hill, it was so steep. Next time, I'll have a hat. Cowboy hat, preferably!

This spot was gorgeous. I stayed long enough to snap this. I kept imaging bears emerging from the river and seeing me as a tasty entree ..... You had to go quite deep into the woods to get here.

Homemade whistle Bree made out of a soda can today in their training. She kept blowing it, (in the restaurant, on the street) just a little harder everytime to see how well it worked. It did. And everytime she blew it, she'd say "it works". We cracked up everytime. We must've been tired.
The weekend was just what I needed.
Peace Out,
Have a Super week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos, I need to see that someday. Your posts are fun and crack me up:) Sounds like Bree is a lot of fun. Miss you
