Sunday, August 2, 2009

Floating Down the Bow - Just Another Day in Paradise

Yet another adventure involving water. Makes me miss the East. But not really. Because the only thing I miss about NS is a handful of people. 'Cuz I'm suuuuuure not missing the summer they are having .... yikes.
So heres the Bow River. Its part of the Elbow. (not to be confused ... ) Its just a tiny little 'leg' of it. Saturday we all met at 10:30, supposedly. It was more like noon before we got on the river. The boys were late. Surprise.

We rented a raft from U of C Outdoor Centre. There was 7 of us. The entire day cost us $17 each. How cool is that?? Remember Nat? My customer at Rogers who I went to the football game with? Well, she came along with us too - fit in like she'd been part of the group forever. Because thats just what they're like. She pushed me off the side of the raft - I went headfirst into the River. The freezing. cold. river. There was lots of that though - horseplay I believe the term to be. We had a great time. It was 32 outside! So we had a cooler full of food and bevvies.

My turn to pump the raft up. The boys were late. Did I mention that? So we had to do all the work. But we took turns eating and pumping.

oh! but after we're trying to get the middle of the raft blown up, having major trubs because it was like a balloon and you had to be ninja-ish and quickly get the value on after the hose was removed - the boys show up and say "thats easy, its a one way valve ...blah blah blah ..." and in one swift movement - fixed the problem.
Curses! foiled again! (see my itty bitty pony tail? isn't it so cute!!!?)

Off we go.

I didn't take this picture intentionally, but isn't it so cool?? I don't even know how it happened, but thought my sisters would think its cool. Seeing they are are photogs ....

Nat floating. She has great pictures. She has a waterproof and took so many good shots.

Deflating the raft ....

Me n' Bree
Wes, Jer, Bree and I went to church at First, then the non-churchies met us at my house for a bbq and slide show of last weeks pictures. Everyone left around 1 or so.

1 comment:

Ramona said...

fun pics- looks like a great day! And yes, i do love the one you took accidently. Its great!