Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Little Things That Make Up One's Week

A random recap of my week:

  • Overheard at gym: (the conversation between trainer and obviously worried mom, is drinking and college age kids who booze it up) "Well, the first year I was 18......" (Don't know 'bout you, but I was only 18 for ONE year. I feel like I've been 25 for 10 years, but thats a different story.)

  • Maria got married off yesterday. She looked like a model coming up the aisle. What a gorgeous woman. I forgot my camera, cuz I'm disorganized and spazzy these days. The second day of 2010 that it rains is on her wedding day. It was 21 degrees all week and that rain turned into a blizzard!! I went to church after the reception and was bare legged and walked out of the service to snow blowing sideways!

  • A 14 year old kid was driving his family car on my street today and almost backed into me as I was driving past. Its not Blues Mills, man, you can't just drive around like that! Wheres your gravel pit?? Go practice there! Gwen, remember those days? I think I taught you how to drive a standard in Grandpas car and we got in trouble. Well, as much trouble you could get in with Grandpa and Grandma :-). I don't think we asked to take it was the reason we were reprimanded, not the fact that we probably blew the clutch out!

  • I started a temp to perm job on Wednesday for Loblaws (Superstore parent company). Its an Admin Assistant. I am greatful for the work. And I hate to add a 'but' to this, but I will since my blog is all about being real. BUT I don't want to be an Admin Assistant. I just don't. I've done it. I'm over it and want to move on. I am struggling with complacency / confidence / greatfulness / humility / frustration. / panic. The money is just ok. Its more than $0 so I'm greatful. It's a job in a market where work is harder than imagined to get, so I'm inclined to rest and be complacent, even though I want far more. I want more money so I can live a decent little life, I want more socialization, downtown working/living, I want , I want, I want. I want whatever this isn't. And I'm trying not to be proud, too proud to accept this is is my job which leads to high levels of frustration as the struggle continues day after day . I can't see an end to this crazyness and it makes me panic. And I don't know how to think or feel. I don't know if I'm being a spoiled brat or if I'm just a normal person who wants a higher level of living than this and am not going to stop til I get it ?? I don't get it. Anyway, thats enough grumbling out of me. Pastor last night in church said that grumbling is off the devil and its grouped among such sins as Adultery. Yikes! I'm in major trubs then! I've been very grumbly. Feel free to offer your opinion on this, I am seriously curious.

  • Our ABC party is postponed. Boo. Co-hosts neighbour is due to have a baby that weekend. So we may have to change venues all together! I'd rather anger a woman who is awake anyway because she's huge and swollen and crabby and whose going to forget any wrong doing two weeks later when she hasn't slept in three weeks and has rag-ing hormones and a new baby ... just sayin'. But you mothers out there can attest far better than I to that!

  • The snow is melting today and its gorgeous out. I'm assuming we'll have at least one more of these days of hearing the dripping of puddly snow off the eaves unto the deck and a resigned and almost apologetic "Welcome to Calgary" from the locals. When in reality, its not that far off to have snow in May and June anywhere in Canada ... I just keep thinking of those days where we can float down the bow in bikinis and all is right with my world.

  • I had another night out with Julie which always ends up in side splitting giggles and good conversation. She is a so much fun and relaxed and anything goes kinda gal and I love her. A guy from Pictou County showed up at our table to tell us that his table was boring and we looked far more interesting. So after the obligatory "you girls look so beautiful blah blah" he settled into a chair and after explaining his (very very cool) tattoos and that he has a girlfriend who he is madly in love with and answering our questions as to why he isn't marrying her then, she showed up. Seriously. She did. And as my luck would have it, Julie had gone to the washroom, and I was left alone at the table with him. So here I am, facing the entire room, leaned in, intently listening for several reasons: a) It was loud, b) I'm kinda deaf, c)I could hardly understand his accent, d) I was completely disinterested in what I couldn't hear him say, and was making a bigger effort to make him feel interesting. THATS when she showed up with a tap on the shoulder, a glance towards me and a quick, "Hi Babe", a flick of the hair, turn on the heel and she went with her girlfriends to get a drink. At that moment, the manager, who is a good friend of mine, came over to chat. Whew. Crisis averted. Julie shows up, I explain to her that GF is here and Pictou County Boy says, "Well, I should probably go talk to her." He looked a littel scared ... In unison, J and I agree thats the best idea he's had all night. I was safe though, I told him my name was Ruby!! Ha! GF would never find me!! His tattoo, though, let me tell you about it. He designed it himself and its a Nova Scotia flag (the middle part with that griffin-looking animal) and it looks like his arm was scratched by a big claw, and underneath his skin is the NS flag. And the other arm is the same concept but with the Canada flag. Its so cool. I love tattoos though, can't wait to get one and love when they are unique and self-thought. Then J and I went to check out a new place downtown and ran into my ABC party co-host, with his MBA friends who were at a boxing event. The night was so much fun - it ended with copius amounts of Chinese food, how can it not be fun??

I think thats all. It was a good week, relatively speaking. I can't wait to find out whats going to happen on June 14th when Ray and Dee get back from SA ... where I'm going to live, etc. Part of me is excited for the adventure (because what other choice do I have but to go with the flow, really??) and the other part is just exhausted and wants to be stable and settled and secure!

Peace, Love and Happines ~ Til next time


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