Saturday, October 13, 2012

WOW - Words of Wisdom (just kidding, i'm being cheesy on purpose)

But seriously,

I'm reading a book lent to me by a girl on Site, called The Greatness Guide. A series of one or two page blurbs on the authors musings. (Robin Sharma)

A line from one encouraging innovation in all parts of life says "not every risk you take and not everything you will try will work out as planned. Thats just life happening. Failure truly is essential to success. And the more you stretch, the more you reach .... Success and failure go hand in hand. They are business partners".

I need this reminder when I'm feeling bummed about how many risks I've taken and how many of them have failed. And how the risk of moving to Alberta was just the door to the myriad of risks I was going to have to take to merely survive, let alone thrive.

I have to remember that my deep, nearly bottomless, disappointment in where my life is right now, is life happening. I'm not a failure. Its just literally life happening.

In this risk I call Alberta and the sometimes ridiculous perdiciments I find myself in, I've accumulated such amazing stories, experiences, friends, not friends, soul sisters, the list goes on. I also need this reminder that in all of this, I'm (brace yourselves, heres that dreaded word) blessed beyond measure in the good that has come out of all this.

In the process of "life happening", I've learned to not be ashamed of who I am. I've learned to not absorb peoples unintentional (or intentional) jabs at my lifestyle. I've learned to stand up for myself and while not backing down; inwardly terrified of the outcome. I've learned to embrace this instability and the life skills that come along with it, and through the rubble, I feel empowered and strong and oddly satisified with my risks.

Okay, I'm done.

But another thing he says is "so just go to work everyday and refuse to do the same thing you did yesterday - just because its was what you did yesterday... shake things up"

Errr .... hard to do when you're a spreadsheet data entry girl. Pretty hard to 'shake' that up. I suppose I could click on the copy button on the top left corner insteady of right clicking on the cell, but other than that .... I'm kinda stuck ...

Buuuut .... I am not ashamed of what I do for work, its ... you guessed it ... life happening and it simply motivates me to get the h-e-double hockey sticks outta there.

Buuut... then I'd miss the amazing friends I've made.

See, its a constant dilemma - time to get innovative about it, I guess. That'd mean moving to Edmonton to be close to them on days off, and that ain't happening, I couldn't leave my Calgary girls. Then I'd have to become an Oilers fan and well.... I'm not thaaat innovative.


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