Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Heart is Full

Another day of complete and utter joy with these two.
There was an in-service day and parents were away
So I was asked to do the honor of entertaining for Tuesday.
I stayed over Monday night. I got there at around 9:30.
As dad put it “Lee, I had them settled in bed and read to when you got here”.
(Hey, I didn’t force them to come flying down the stairs and attack me with love and hugs … Its really not my fault)
So 90 minutes later (yes, 11:00)
After a skipping rope lesson, a game of catch-the-sticky-frog-as-it-falls-from-the-ceiling, and my small overnight bag unpacked (not by me) and each individual item put in its very own drawer - they finally went to sleep.

Storme deemed my purse "too messy" and decided she needed
to organize it. So she dumped it and proceeded to find a pocket
for everything .....
So I took pictures of Skyler, who had no real interesting in cleaning
Zen Sky
"people really do this" he said (emphatically)

Trying to capture the ball mid-air. Someday I will
learn to use the camera.

Heartbreaker. He just might be right!

This ball was full of red goo. We found out first hand.

He squeezed it too hard and it burst. Luckily, the mess

was contained to his palm only.

Lots of fun skipping. Its a little tough being
5'8 skipping with a kid's rope. We did, however,
manage to try out some new tricks.

I was fully expecting a nice, leisurely sleep in (til at least 9am – don’t kids need 10 hours sleep ???)
But alas, 7:35 they came creeping in “Rise and Shine Sleepy Head” while one gallantly opens the curtains and secures the tie-backs.
Ugh. I am so tired. So very very tired. But seeing their sweet little shining faces, I am energized and only have a day to spend with them, so I’d better get going.
Eggs and Turkey Bacon. And they want the picture that’s on the package.
Scrambled Eggs on toast with the bacon on top.
That’s easy enough. If I knew where everything was.
At least Skyler does. So he is trying to get a pan out of the drawer for me, and the egg he’s holding between his chin and chest – surprise – falls and cracks inside the drawer, hitting several pans along the way.
After the clean up, I managed to put together ‘the picture’ and everyone went away happy. (Though I’m not sure I’d win any culinary trophies)

11:15 we are finally driving down Quinpool. Quickly dropping in to my place, off to Starbucks for a much needed hit. Storme got hot chocolate (with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle), Sky nothing (he's pretty low-maintenance.

Next Stop- DoH – charmed everyone there. Even my director. Who said to them “you’re good looking little buggers”. Sklyer puts his hands on his hips and says
“We’re not buggers, we are children”. They weren't too insulted because they went away singing “Au Revoir les amies, au revoir . (Good bye my friends, good bye) We were all in stitches.

Hugo Boss ... and Storme's Diesel sneaks !!!
They are so tall now.

A morning chat before we start our day's activities.
(not aware of me snapping away)
Please note Stormes' specialty: The Snack Bag.

Peace Out (complete with the fist on chest motion first)

Then to Opa. Paper table clothes and limited crayons proved very interesting. Trying to manage whose turn it was with red was a tad challenging in a public place (where I work, no less) but it went quite smooth and we had a blast. The surprise Kadafi for dessert was so much fun too. Kadafi (I am spelling it wrong) is a greek dessert made of shredded phylo soaked in honey and sugar, topped with custard, topped with whipped cream, topped with Pistachios and Almonds. Simply to die for. Sky and I ‘devoured’ it (direct quote), something he learned from Fancy Nancy. (see link. Great books) He kept turning it over because he loved the "noodles".

Serious Concentration - drawing a blueberry bush and a shed.

Storme's final piece
Then we hit a small toy store on my street - Woozles. Such a cool spot. (see link)

They wanted a treat at Freak Lunch Box instead of a toy.
(no photos allowed in Freak Lunch Box -v. cool store)

They love to mug for the camera

Then to Adam’s.
To his new place first. Walls are painted, fixtures are in. It looks great.
Then to his current place where video games were booted up, with the “HE plays these”? surprised inquiry from 6 year old about 27 year old.
Adam was hungry, (really, really hungry – the kind of hungry that you stay out of harms way) and announced he was going to make a sandwich. Storme tapped my arm and with her big eyes, looked up and whispered ”If he's making a sandwich, I want to help”. Saying no to her is simply impossible, even for a hungry guy. So patiently and gently, he let her painstakingly peel the summer sausage off and place gingerly, piece by piece on the bread.
Don’t get me wrong. They both loved it, with Adam giving her the ins and outs of sandwich making. I was in the living room and I could hear her say “lots of mayonnaise, you like lots of it?” Then I could hear Adam “And the trick is … “ It was very cute.
She was very proud of herself!

Then she decided she was still hungry – after implanting the tricks of the trade she’d just learned (snacking while making) she spied the Peanut Butter – and asked for a spoon.

Digging In

And..... this is the face that launched a thousand kisses!
and will make you burst out laughing when you should
be stern ...


I had so much fun with them. I had them run towards me
while I continually shot. I can't put them all in , but this one
captured the spirit of the day the most!

It was then time to go … off to Swimming lessons, then home to the next babysitter. I truly didn’t want the day to end.

Coming down the "twisty stairs". They absolutely love him
(I think the feeling is mutual!)

When I unloaded them from the truck, Sklyer said to me “Leanne, this was the best day of my life.” After a few seconds of thinking of the enormity of this statement, he revised it to “Welllll, DisneyWorld was my favorite day … but ….”
And I was laughing too hard and hugging him too tight to hear the rest.
But I didn’t need to because it was one of my favorite days too ….

1 comment:

Ramona said...

I can't wait to sit down and read this ALL- they are gorgeous and so is Adam's place....