Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Certainty of Uncertainty

I'm sure you've all heard that Firebag Expansion Stage 3 is being 'iced' by Suncor.
Which is where my company primarily works.
We were only told yesterday morning and thats all we know so far.
Talk in the lunchroom is ranging from "pack up your room when you leave on Sunday" to "Oh, we have at least two months work left" to "We have work until the end of March, and by then everything should be straightened out".
But other companies were leaving in droves yesterday. Packing up their tools and gone !
So I REALLY don't know what is going on.
Its fairly unexpected.
And I dont' exactly know what the term "iced" means. Because theres still a little bit of work happening here for us. Sooooo, I don't know if that means we keep on going with our current projects and just not starting up anything new or what.
But as a rarity, I am not stressed.
Of course, I want to stay, theres no question.
But I can't control the global markets or oil price increases/decreases, so I'm just gonna fly under the radar here and hope they don't call my name !
My foreman yesterday seemed to think we'd be here for a little while longer ....
But I'm not entirely sure.

You're prolly wondering why I'm up so early?
I've worked my sched. into a bit of a science here which allows me to get up at 6:00 am if I am COMPLETELY organized the night before (clothes laid out in order of wear, hair washed or semi-clean etc). And EVERY morning its the same lament in the kitchen: "There is NOTHING to eat". Which sounds like a whiney teenager looking at a packed fridge, but in reality, there is in fact, nothing decent to eat. So I am forced to eat Eagle Brand squares, and some crazy rendition of rice krispies. And by the time supper comes along, I am famished and eat like a man.
Someone gave me the secret last night : Get there at 4:30am and you'll get all the good food.
Well, I got there at 5:20 today and nabbed celery, carrot and cucumber sticks, fresh pineapple, grapes and (gotta have some sugar!) a macaroon.
So after all that effort, I hope I am actually working !
Yesterday was the first day since last Wed. that I had any hours on my time card.
Its going to be a skinny month, but 'tis the season around these parts, I guess.
Thats all.
Will keep you all posted as news trickles in.

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