Saturday, February 7, 2009

Scraping the Ramp

Unemployment does not fare well with me .... I am bored.
Unmotivated. I know I'm not staying in Halifax, so I'm not looking for work here.
Cynical. But thats normal anyway. :-)
I dress like a bum. Well, bummier than usual.
Tired of answering "why are you at Starbucks in the middle of the day on your laptop?" and "Why do you smell?", and "Shouldn't you shower sometime this week?" and "when did you brush your hair last?" and stuff like that.
(not really, cept for the first one!)
With plans to fly back out west next week, I am starting to feel better.
ANYWAY, I found this vid and thought you'd be interested to see.
The ramps in the pit; not even just the ramps, but any surface are all snow and with 60 tonnes driving it across it at 3 minute intervals, it tends to be super slippery.
So we radio the dozer operator to go "scrap the ramp".
When he does, this is what it looks like.


skinnylickingood said...

hey, not to mention loosing 700 a week while collecting UI or EI. Nice pics btw. I got word this week I am laid off until further notice.

My room has been emptied,
my beer has been drank,
I'm told we will work again
sometime in March they thank.

I know I'm pushing for the rhyme and real poetry doesn't need it but what the hell.

Take care Rocktruck Grrrl.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the beautiful pictures.
Also the video of the dozer doing its thing. I first saw that done at CNRL in 07. Its neat for people to get an "inside" view of the oilsands operations. Great work!!