Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Walk in the Park

Well, not a park exactly - but a mall. After Ash and Riah's unfortunate turn of events, he went up to Fort McMurray with Barry to get the red car. So Iris was stuck on Barlow Trail with no wheels or carseats in the event, say I, or Dad could take them somewhere. We made lemondade though. We strapped on our best shopping shoes and made the trek to the nearest mall. And of course, Handley was stuck to Dad's side.

Chattering the whole way

Oops. Encountering logistical problems.

The girls - one on the right returned with more bags than she went with. Just a few. :-)

As much as the fender bender put a pretty big kink in their plans, it was nice to have another day to spend with Ash. Poor Uriah. Drove 14 hours, 7 by himself in boring, dangerous, unknown territory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics of dad and handley, looks like you had a good time together. Did iris like lululemon?