Friday, September 18, 2009

Tidbits in Time

So much is happening 'round these parts .... here are some highlights:

- New job (big job), I've changed from Operations Manager to Territory Manager which takes a wild U-turn from my both my experience and comfort zone. But its working out well and apparently my strengths were noticed on a sales side and (how funny is this? whipping people into shape without hurting their feelings) coaching mentor-ish kind of stuff so here I am. In taking on the new position, I've made myself very clear that because I don't want to be set for failure, that I get proper training and that I wont' be working 14 hour days anymore, because I'm gaining weight because I only eat at drive thrus, don't have time or energy to get to the gym, don't have time or money (bonus' are quarterly) to buy bigger clothes, and my face is breaking out like an adolescent girl, thus affecting me socially. (okayyyy, so I'm being a littttle dramatic, but its mostly true, like 99%) and because of the lack of gym, my mood is questionable and my energy level has taken the long, slippery trip to h-e-double hockey sticks. THUS .... yes, they are listening to me (as I'm sure they don't want to hear this rant again!) and I'm taking control of my career. THEN the other Territory Manager quit, and I'm left again with 11 stores. Yes, welcome to my crazy, unpredictable, faith-stretching life. But I must say, everything is coming together nicely and calming to a managable pace. For now.

-Wes and I went hiking last Saturday to an amazing place called Johnstone's Canyon. I can't even believe that places like this exist. Part of it reminded me of the falls behind our house, its that same kind of trail. But its a tourist trap and we were "stuck in traffic" on the catwalk. And both being of the same energy level and dislike of crowds, we found some pretty creative ways to get past them. The falls are really cool, and the hike is so hard. After the upper and lower falls, the hike up to the ink pots (google this - i can't explain it and it was, truthfully, kind of lame) was INTENSE. Uphill both ways, we joked, to everyone we met. And each time, as it was their first time hearing it, they laughed heartily, as did we because we are nerds and thought we were SOOOO funny. But seriously, the hike was crazy and steep and we were wheezing and begging "just stop for a second, okay?" Then being the competitive duo we are, we'd race up the steepest parts. He always won. Always. Then on the way back down, we decided that it'd be funny and stoooopid and hilarious and immature to say hello to everyone in different languages. The trail after the falls thinned out - a lot less people- but we were all equally pooped and asking the same questions "are we almost there?", and "how much further?" to people coming back from the ink pots. In addition to us be complete idiots, we answered everyone the same when they asked "how much further". We said "20 minutes" for the first hour of our trek back. Then we felt bad. And stopped. In all, it was a 4 hour hike. A hilly hike. A hot hike. A hungry hike. Me, of course, wanting to bring a backpack full of snacks, was denied access with a "its only a three hour hike, are you able to wait til we get back"? He soon regretted not supporting my grocery shopping suggestion prior to leaving. We were both so starved by the time we got back to Canmore, we contemplated making ketchup soup with the condiments on the table, while we waited for (my salad, his greasy burger and poutine).
It was a great day. Really showcased my need to get back to the gym and not let my job get in the way. Reality bites.

-Totally saw someone stealing at Safeway the other night. And totally didn't know what to do. The poor toddler running behind the mom while she was stashing food in the stroller. She was a mean lady. Big. Tattooed (neck, upper arm, ankle, etc). Scowling. Moving with a mission. I wasn't tellin' on her! She'd hunt me down. Her friend was just as mean. So I let her steal. I wished Kenny was there! He'd take her down!

-Met Ruth, Ray's younger sister last week. I went to church on Sunday and sat with Uncle Lloyd and Aunt Kay and her. Then we went out to Red Lobster for lunch and had a super visit. She is very different than her siblings, she's super quiet and lowkey. What a beautiful lady, inside and out. She was up for 5 days from Oregan and was doing housework , cooking, driving, shopping for her parents. I am so blessed (theres that churchy word I hate so much! but it sure fits here) to both be blood related to these people, and to have the incredible opportunity to know them and spend quality time with them. Next Saturday, I'm going to go over and cook freezable meals for them - that way I get to spend some quiet house time with them.

-Random text I received from Brittney. (girl from ACDC and newest employee of mine) 'The train smells like Chunky soup and Aloe vera lotion"

-I think thats all for now. My days are so busy and my nights seem to be filled with non-sensical things like: ...... work. And crashing asleep and thats about it. And thats about to change. I am large and in charge !

Theres no pics for this post - Mainly because I'm not on my laptop that has pictures and because it takes way too long. And I have to get back to work. I love my job, I really do. I am so grateful to have found something that I am excelling at. Its a strange sensation.

Peace Out!


1 comment:

Ashley said...

Love your posts! Love the stories. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself to the fullest. my life is boring thats why I don't post anymore! hehe