Sunday, November 1, 2009

Maturity Fail

At church tonight after the service, anyone could bring candy and you had a station that the little High School Musical cheerleaders (??????? - these kids were 9!!), giraffes, Sidney Crosby's, Flames players, Princesses, pirates, soliders' etc could come by and get treats. So Shannon asked me to help her, but their station was up on the second level and there weren't many kiddos coming up, so we decided we'd bring the candy to them .....
So we brought handfuls over to the railing and dropped them into the crowd. It was hilarious - people looking around wondering where it was coming from.
Then we started taking aim .... lobbing Reece's Peices at Ray and Travis having a serious conversation ...... Tossing Fuzzy Peaches at Pastor Scott chatting with a couple .... Throwing (with a little more force) Coffee Crisp at Travis when we spotted him standing alone .... challenging kids holding open their bags to catch without running anyone over .... disrupting various groups of people.... avoiding the couple with the newborn baby.... not avoiding the unsuspecting ... It was quite entertaining. A little kid came along and asked if she could do it too, and I agreed as long as she was gentle and just dropped it. Well, she took suckers and THREW them into the crowd. So Shannon and I had to make sure she found someone else to bug. I was walking down the stairs when we were finished and one of the hockey players was coming up and said "hey you owe me". I asked him what for. He said "The candy you threw at me hit my eye". (I remember this guy, he was holding out his bag to catch it and he just didn't, his eye did) I told him he was a hockey player, he's gotta expect a black eye every now and then.
He was , like 17 !!! Too old to be dressed up at church getting candy. Shouldn't he be out getting drunk with his friends ???
Just Kidding.

So this day is over, now we can start drilling Christmas into everyone and this time next month we'll be tired of Christmas carols already and looking at Valentines Day cards .....

Off to bed folks ! Hope you all had a good day and your sugar crash wasn't too messy.


1 comment:

Ramona said...

Sounds like a fun time! I'll take one in the eye if it involved chocolate :))