Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I've Temporarily Moved

I've discovered in perusing my old posts that they are often heavy and deep
and unnecessary. It was an online timeline, journal, record of my topsy turvy life, but unnecessary much of the time.
So I've switched gears with a whole new blog.
You can find a more whimsical me at .
I promise not to bury you with my philisophical ramblings and deep, angst posts. This one is more poetic and random. Well, random is how I operate, but its a happier blog.
And until my life gets cheerier and easier, I'll stick with my new blog.
Dang it!
Just when I finally settled on a pretty background that matched!


1 comment:

skinnylickingood said...

I love the new page and the new name - leeleemac! is cool - (i thought it need an exclamation tho') Its quick and lite and has a haiku-ness about it that is cute and catchy, but i really loved the heavy n deep and unnecessary blog as well - seeing the someone else's life isn't working out quite the way she had thought it would makes us all feel better about our own lives as they continue to unfold in previously unforeseen directions. You're not alone.
And as for unnecessary that's a moot point cause none of this is really necessary. I follow a blog called the bacon show, that's right, the bacon show - ONE BACON RECIPE PER DAY, EVERY DAY, FOREVER!! Is that really necessary?? I think not! Keep posting on this page too please. posting this to your other page as well - maybe overkill but hey that's my style.