Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This is Why I Do It

(imagine from
Another story from the Seed; as I talk about little else! Last spring I started volunteering, there was a young guy, really shy, and embarassed to be there . I didn't get to know him very well, as I was equally as shy and rarely interacted with the guests. But before I knew it, he was gone. Then before I knew it, he was back. Shortly after, gone again. He's one of the guys who would come to First Alliance with Travis, Martha and I. He was quite sick with internal organ issues.
Driving home from there a few weeks ago, Ryan and I stopped at a Husky gas station and there he was ! This kid! Working inside. We were so happy to see him, so we said a big hello etc.
Last week, I really needed gas for the car and thought I had brought $20 with me (I don't bring $$ or purse to the Seed, as theres no need). But I hadn't, I'd brought $10 and bought supper at Tim Hortons on my way, leaving $6.00. In the course of the chaos of the 5 hours I was there, I'd forgotten again that I didn't have much cash. So I pull up to the same Husky station, run inside to pay beforehand and after greeting him, ( I can't say his name, its against the rules )I reach in my pocket, whip out the paper money inside and say "I'd like $10 gas please". I look down and its a $5 bill. I giggle at my stupidity, Ryan raises the bar and laughs out loud.

Long story short: Former Guest says "put the $10 in your car, its on me".
I protested as did Ryan and Former Guest said "please let me, you guys were good to me when I needed it, the least I can do it buy you your gas".

He's still totally shy and doesn't appear excited when he sees us. But I'm over the top sometimes, so maybe he's scared.

But the moral the story is this:

When the guy who asks me for socks because the ones I gave him the first two times weren't good enough, or when I ask the guest to not sit on the stairs of the (inside office called the bridge) because its not allowed, seeing if theres an emergency, and we come rushing out, he's going to be run over by 350lb Ryan; and he responds with sneer telling me I'm 'only a volunteer' ...... the little guy at the Husky making his own way in the world now after a stint at the bottom, makes me forget all the mundane and routine that comes with the shine wearing off your new interest; and makes me thank God He's put me in this place and that somehow, somewhere I'm making a difference.

And reminds me to keep the faith and keep prayin' !



Anonymous said...

wow- that's really cool.


Unknown said...

Love. G.