Sunday, August 1, 2010

Two Brunettes, Two Blonde Moments

Blonde Moment #1 (in chronological order)
I work with a girl named Bonnie who purchased a really cool necklace that included a silver (metal) leaf (fern-ish), her birthstone in a drop-stone and her initial in lower case on a gold disc. (very delicate and pretty, but not the point).
She was washing her hands in the bathroom and leaned in closer to look at her necklace in the mirror and said to herself " hmm ... I thought I got a "b", not a "d".

Blonde Moment #2 (also includes a mirror)
I was editing pictures the other day, and in the process, got rid of the zit on my face (fooling the viewer into the illusion of dewy, young skin). As well, washing my hands at the sink (different sink), looked at my face and thought "oh, I thought I got rid of that".

I simultaneaously thought of Bonnie, and how stupid I was and burst out laughing.

Wouldn't it be great if we could Photoshop life?

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