Friday, September 17, 2010

Back Up North (Kinda) For the Weekend

I went to Edmonton again, this time in my truck. I wanted to open it up so bad, really didn`t want to encounter them there coppers. And they were everywhere. Though the two lane highway in the middle of the day (I got to leave at 1pm, remember?) was so busy and slow, I went about 100 the entire way. Sorta bummed.

I stayed at my friend Carol`s place (remember, we worked at the Dept of Health together, and left together) both nights. I went up to take a course given by the Alberta Carpenters Union, I am calling it Plan B, because job security is apparently a thing of the past, I`m going to keep my options open and get as much as possible done in case of another lay-off. I am scarred and literally terrified of being laid off again – its an unpleasant trend in my life.

But I`m a spaz and got lost (shocking, I know) and was an hour late for the course. So I finally show up and enter a room full of men.

No females. All testosterone.

Natch. Story of my life.

And my spot had been taken so I couldn`t attend. I was pretty mad, but whatever, I made the best of it. I went back to Carols and fell asleep. Haha.

And got to spend the evening with the Flynn grandkids – Hayley and Faith – and took them to McDonalds where they spent most of their time in the playroom. They are so flippin`cute, I had a super time with them.

(sweet little Faith)
(Haley Hope)
Sunday was spent with the Edmonton Mathesons – Gerry, Betty and Merilee. And after a rainy drive, I was happy to be home safe and sound.

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