Friday, September 17, 2010

Some Much Needed Mom Time

I made a quick trip to Edmonton to see Mom – less than 24 hours quick. She was on a shopping excursion and failed to let her middle kid know that she was a mere 3 hours away. So I jumped in the Wave and headed North. (whether or not she wanted ... heehee)

She`s so cute- she had a welcome gift for me – an Elizabeth Arden handbag filled with Bath and Body Works stuff and a really pretty body lotion from EA. We had a blast, good alone time. Went to church with her on Sunday. That was weird, it`d been a long time since I`d been to one of her church services. But amazingly enough, I knew a bunch of people there. Well, one of them didn`t remember me (downside to being old) He is a kid bro to friends of mine from my teenage years in church. And my old landlord and his wife from Vancouver were there visiting – the famous Stanley Wells and his sweet little wifey Vera. Neither have changed. HAHA Vera told me that she found a poem I`d written her when I moved back home. I turned scarlet when she told me in front of a group of people. Oh man,,, I`m still laughing in horror at what I possibly could`ve written in the wisdom of my 20 years on this earth. She loves it though and kept it all these years (15 –eeks). And another couple who were part of my church friends in Vancouver lives there now. Super weird to see them.
(Vera and I - I totally didn`t crop or edit these pics. sorry)
OH! I saw Sharon Blackie and got the coveted ``Darlin`, you `re bee-ooutiful`. Yup – waited for it like a little puppy expecting a treat. And inwardly said``Yesssssss, while bringing my preverbal arm in a `before Jersey Shore` fist pump. My female Cape Breton readers know how I feel.
(mom and sharon)

1 comment:

Ramona said...

that's hilarious, those ladies are great!! My mom looks beautiful too!