Friday, September 17, 2010

Out With the Old, In With the New

Sorry - pix are first - can`t figure Blogger out sometimes!
Above is Marshall, my salesguy. He was World`s strongest man 4 years in a row. At his peak, his neck was the size of my waist!
.... if my waist was 24 inches, that is ....

There she is ... I love her. Why are vehicles girls

My friend Natalie came along for the ``delivery``

Its mine ... all mine ... wait - and TD Bank`s. (forgot that little detail)

Yup – I done gone and got myself a Ford Truck. Now, where’d I put my piece of straw and Toby Keith CD?

Well, its an SUV, but I call it a truck. Sounds cooler (and it’s a truck chassis (I think so anyway))
The lease on my sweet little rickety Wave was up and it was time to move on to bigger and safer pastures. I got my job on Thursday, bought a car ruck on Saturday. No room to breathe financially, but I’ve done the math (I can hear my siblings laughing from here: me and math in the same sentence is a laugh out loud moment) and I can do this!

I bought a Ford Escape. She’s beautiful and I named her a name I can’t tell you because it started out as a joke and stuck …

Here’s how it all went down: I walked into the Ford dealership on a Friday afternoon after work like I owned the place. I had my most expensive jeans on. Rolled up with flipflops just to show them that I was a classy chick, but casual and confident enough to be chilled out. BAHAHA if they only knew how broke and clueless I was /am! With my big ass sunglasses, I looked like a woman you just wouldn’t mess with. Then of course, I unarmed them with my charm and sunny disposition … (again, cue the BAHAHA)

Marshall was the salesman up next and the poor soul, his Friday afternoon came to a crashing halt. I asked tonnes of questions, called Dad twice to ask his opinion, looked at a few options in the used lot then on to the new stuff.

I’m not going to bore you with the mundane (warning: oxymoron in progress)

But I went shopping more on Saturday morning to Kia, test drove a Forte and for some reason I didn’t want it. Even though it was 0% financing, same with the Nissan Versa I drove. I didn`t want a car. I wanted an SUV. I have for years. Not only an SUV, but a Ford Escape.
So I went back to Ford on Saturday afternoon and told them what Nissan and Kia were offering me and told them “sell me this Escape,( but on my terms my silence said).

AND I GOT IT!. Don’t know where the kahunas came from all of a sudden, but I totally wheeled and dealed on my own. Poor Dad, had to field my panicky phone calls and rabid questioning and second guessing.

My truck is very plain jane, but I got a good, safe, new (under warranty) high off the ground vehicle with the basics that I need. I`m super happy with it. Payments are completely manageable, insurance is super cheap, (upside of being old) and fuel economy is ridiculously spectacular. I almost get better mileage with this than the Wave.

I returned the car without hassle, said goodbye to it, cute little thing it is. But I`m way cuter in my Escape. Isn`t that what matters?

Just Sayin`

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