Monday, May 9, 2011

Lazy Weekend

Friday Night: Boot camp which was so lame I had to go to the gym and do a workout there. Tanning and long awaited bed. I do love to sleep.
Saturday Day:

(picture from

Cleaned/Laundried/Put my summer clothes in the closet, stored winter clothes. Too bad when it snows again in June - I'm not giving in to it. I will prevail and keep on keeping on and wear one of my 23 skirts. Yes, 23. All for $15 or less (some given to me) and acquired over the years- I'm my mothers daughter and can sniff out a sale like noones business.
I realized I have way too many clothes and its a ridiculous habit - this shopping thing I do.
I went to church with Bree. Well, she came with me.
I went out with Stace after and ran into my Exxon people and they had some encouraging news for me.
Sunday was rainy and cold so I slept in then spent the day with my precious Britt and painted our toes, watched Breakfast at Tiffany's and gorged on amazing potatoe chips.
I love my weekend life. Work life is heinous and dramatic and stressful, so I am super thankful for my weekends that always seem to be filled with wonderful.

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