Monday, July 25, 2011

Camp - Again

Its been so very long since I've sat down to blog. Well, its been so very long since I've actually sat down and typed a blog. I've tried plenty, however with fruitless results.

So I'll give you the Readers Digest version of the last couple of months.

- I accepted a really great job with Imperial Oil at Kearl Lake in the oil sands of Northern Alberta. About 10 kms away from the last job I was at up here. But a much, much, better job, and in a different stratosphere as far as living conditions go.

- My job start date was delayed by a month due to the wild fires here. So I booked a flight home to Nova Scotia and had what I can only describe as 'soul-cleansing'. I am truly, truly blessed (pardon the often over-used churchy word) to have been chosen for the family I have and the friends and friends of family who surround me. One of the most relaxing, happy, carefree trips anywhere. Ever.

- So thats basically it - The rest of the posts for the next couple of days are going to be pretty camp-heavy.



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