Friday, January 6, 2012

My Lil Dad

Dad came to visit for a couple of days. I think it was just to collect his Christmas presents, but whatever, a girl has to get a paternal visit in when she can. ;-)
All his children contributed to (both parents) Christmas present, so as much as it pained me, I took him shopping.
I am a shopoholic and to help someone get clothes, it helps with my addiction without the guilt of shopping for myself.
So I took him to the store I always shop at. Espy (a fab boutique in Inglewood). Ashley and Clarke helped him pick out a gorgeous pair of Mavi jeans.
Then we went to O'Connors (Calgary's answer to Duggers) and hit up the Boxing Day sale and got him two super funky shirts. One is a real pale lavender and the inside of the collar and cuff are PAISLEY!!!!
I know! Paisley! Dad! Paisley!
I kept saying to him "stop me if I'm steam-rolling you'. (its a default, I'm afraid)
Then we went to Banff and he bought himself a LULU hoodie!!! I know! LULU! Dad!
We had a great dinner with Auntie and Uncle Lloyd one night.
Had breakfast at Rickys near my house on Wednesday morning, I went to my naturopath and Dad went on his way.
Awesome way to start the year!
Now to meet up with Mom to give her her gift (a spa day!! mudwraps! herbal baths! manicures! pedicures! 
(i'm not wearing my glasses, so if theres typos, please know that is the reason)

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