Friday, May 25, 2012

DIY Cab Ride

My flight to Calgary landed without incident  ( my seatmate had run the half in 1:32! so we talked for over an hour) and my cab ride home was, lets say, unique.

Dude had a GPS and fingers which was puzzling to me why the following conversation occured:

ME:Hi, blah blah blah Crescent please
HIM:Is that the Northeast?
ME:Yes, well kind off, its more Northwest
HIM:Okay, whats the street name again
ME:Blah blah
HIM:Where is that?
ME:Off Country Hills
(a few kms go by)
HIM:So, where is it again?
(me glancing up from my rabid texting - I'd been without for 5 hours you know)
ME:Umm, its on the other side of the Deerfoot.
HIM:So do I go left or right on Country Hills?
(me silently exasperated)
ME:Left, its on the other side of the Deerfoot
a couple more kms go by and we're indeed on Country Hills Blvd where I thought the questions would surely cease.
HIM:So where do I turn now?
ME:Right at Burger King
(head bent momentarily to finish off a text as I'm fully now in Do It Yourself Cab Driver mode)
ME:now blah blah blah ... giving him directions to my doorstep ..

Like, doubleyou-tea-eff - I don't understand people sometimes. He's a cabbie - shouldn't he know this stuff?? What if I was a stranger in the city ...?

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