Friday, May 8, 2009

Random Facts of Mindless

Today is just a collection of silliness. Nothing important, vital, I'm not solving world hunger here, just rambling on.

I had to get blood work done this morning and answered "no" when the technician asked if I was a fainter. COMPLETELY forgetting the time when I'd gotten my splints changed when I had my feet operated on and I totally passed out. Or when I had to lie down when I was in the delivery room when Han the Man was born (how embarassing, seeing the super cute engineer-turned-anesthesiologist had to help me to the floor). So I get my blood taken, so proud of myself for doing this in the morning and I'd even manage to get to work before 8! Not so. I immediately felt faint, and a sharp wave of nausea hit me, and the sweet, old, Swiss (ish) tech literally held me telling me "not to worry, you are safe here". It was actually quite touching. So I laid on the floor there, then she took me to lay down for about 30 minutes on a bed in another room. I was pouring sweat. Like I'd just gone for a run. It was so weird. Then I started shivering and got really sad. I didn't cry but I just felt sad. It was a very very strange experience. I felt so out of control. I felt like I had to throw up, like the room was spinning, and I was freezing, but sweating. Very odd. So my pulse came back to normal and they let me go.


If my GPS was a person, I'd have to beat her up. The amount of times she doesn't tell me East or West in time, thus resulting in a detour, probably equals a full tank of gas by now. Though I couldn't navigate through this city without here. If I had a packer, she'd be done in! :-)

I started my part time job the other night. I love downtown. Its so alive and loud and busy. I live in the NE, which is totally residential, and I work in the SE, which is totally industrial park-y. So to be downtown is going to make me feel better I think. I'm seeing all these awesome restaurants and cool shops that I haven't been to and really feel like I'm missing out on what Calgary is all about. I'm enjoying my time with the people I get to hang out with, but I am really wanting to go to the downtown core to hang out. I NEED SOME COMPANY ..... TO DO THE TOURISTY STUFF WITH. hint hint


Boss man is away for 3 weeks. Isn't it so strange - it doesn't matter how nice or fun or helpful your boss is, if he's away, its just better.


I helped out again at Street Light, the homeless youth mobile drop in center. That was Monday night. It's pretty amazing what Maria has started. These kids, some regulars, some first timers, some last timers (some just go missing) would break your heart. I'm such a sheltered person - having lived in only small places for all but 18 months of my life. And to see them, see their faces, and their stuffed backpacks and ripped clothes just kills me. I nearly came undone though, when near the end of the night, a guy came in, and was standing in the line for food, which I was serving, and he was staring at me, and making a strange facial expression and squinting. Me, not knowing that he was completely out of it on drugs, thought, (I'm just going to confess here - so don't be hatin') Well, he's got his Edward Cullen look down pat. He was really freaking me out. So when I turned to pass him his soup, I saw his face and my heart dropped. He looked so sad. When I made eye contact, he immediately dropped his and looked over to the other two girls (Maria and Ivy) who had been small talking with him. He hadn't been there before and was asking what it was, and when they explained that it was just a safe place to come and play some video games and get a hot meal, or soap or shampoo, and just to talk . He said "Well, noone talks to me, I'm a hooker, and noone talks to hookers". Uggggh. I had to turn away because I was going to break down. I felt so helpless. This poor little guy. He was probably 18 and so alone. Thats when Ivy took him and they sat down and chatted. I had to go - and get groceries before the store closed. But I can't get him out of my mind. All night I kept thinking, "Thank you God that my little sisters are safe and sound". I just wonder if their parents are worried and scared, are they looking for them? Or are the kids who they are based on behaviours observed growing up? I love going because I really feel like I am giving back to society, seeing how very fortunate my life is. But, my heart .....


So to end on a lighter note (sorry for depressing you all). If you lets say, I dunno, work with someone who picks their nose when they are talking to you, how would you deal with it? Glance at something else besides their finger and nostril merging, or glance away while trying to keep your lunch down? Would you say something like, "uh, dude, your finger is up your nose while I'm trying to talk to you, have a bit of class." Or do you just let it go and hope the airways are cleared by the time you get there? I'm in a pickle. In fact, my stomach just turned. And my chest feels funny. So I don't want to think about it anymore. Besides its 11:06pm now and I need to get to bed. I'm going to my friend Adi's apartment warming tomorrow directly from work. Dee told me I didn't have to bring any food. Lucky for us all.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

For what has to be the one millionth (sp?) time - I love you. You make my heart happy.
