Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Mobile Life

Thought I'd share the stuff that I capture when I don't have my real cameras around.
(Bday is Feb 2) this was on a magnet at a store in South Centre Mall. There was a nicer version, but this best suited me at the moment .... the unemotional part is the most untrue - I cry at an-y-thing

Mar's new golf clubs, complete with golf visor - ain't she just the purdiest little thang?

Ahh,,, our noodle face. A late night involving questionable asian food. Long story that I will shorten to: I ran into Conrad one night downtown with a couple of his friends and we all ended up at an absolutely heinous after hours place (i found out much later, that they reuse their rice ... ) and Conrad was tied up on the other side of the table chatting to someone so his buddy and I made serious use of our time waiting for the other convo to wrap up. I thought we did well - it was really dark in the place. Noodles for hair, pineapples for eyes, carrot nose and snap pea for a mouth.

Snuggle time with Han the Man. Yes, thats a toque and yes it was June. Calgary is cold almost all year round. I wore a toque when I went for my walk the other night.

Date with Han the Man at church. He was squirmy so I took him to the cafe in the lobby and we had deep conversations ... about Twansfomous (Transformers)

Me and Iris (we stayed at Ray and Dees -I was housesitting)

So at Loblaws (Superstore) they were advertising for months "The Biggest BBQ in Canada", there was a semi involved, an ice cream van, tents, enthusiastic 20 year olds on the coolest summer job ever. They were giving away FREE sliders, ice cream, the newest, latest greatest sparkling juices. We were all so excited. "Don't bring lunch tomorrowwwwww" we were all told the day before this great event. Great anticipation was in the air on that rainy, blowy, cold, cold day as we eagerly watched from the 4th floor windows as the truck pulled in. "Terrible day for this BBQ" someone quipped. "HAHA, it doesn't matter, its free lunch" someone else replied with a guffaw. So, we all race downstairs (this part isn't exaggerated), stand in line (and its POURING rain, and collected water is bowing in the roof of the "obviously not made for Alberta summer tents" and spilling in one big gush onto unsuspecting guests. Please keep in mind the adverts for these sliders are enough to make you salivate, and there were three in the pictures (you always get three sliders, its just the way they're served). So we get to the front of the line and are passed ONE slider and told that the 'dressings' are over on the other table. Know what the condiments were? Ketchup and Mustard. Period. By now, the summer student who worked in my department and I were giggling uncontrollably. We could go back for seconds, but that meant we'd have to stand in line again ... So on to the ice cream truck we go ... I think they borrowed the ice creams scoops from the Keebler factory. More giggles and sideways glances to each other. So I'm going to outsmart them and ask for TWO flavours IN A CUP. HA! That'll get them and their chintzy little portions. I got two flavours as I'd asked, in a cup, as I'd asked but they were still elf sized scoops and the micro spoon they gave me hardly reached down the cup. Below is Kirsty's ChocoMint scoop. It was the office joke for the next week - especially in the cafeteria after as we're all ordering real size meals.

Upon Botox disccussions at Streetlight one night, the boys demonstrated how I'd look after a treatment (Its high on the list of things to do once I'm settled again - its not as expensive or invasive as you think)

Different Streetlight night - end of May. Look at my clothes. A toque, hoodie and rain coat. Ash wanted a pic as she was basking in American summer temps.

"My Other Ash" and her bday cake. That was one of the funnest nights of my life. I love my Calgary friends.

My old house. Such weird and unusual circumstances led me here and I am forever, forever greatful. Can you imagine 5 of us living there in complete harmony? So remember the firefighter story? I was at the far right side of that living room window when I could no longer hide from emergency personnel ambushing my entryway. And thats the big wicker (not as comfortable as you think) chair I sat in while I waited for (Maria bf) to come unlock the front door cuz I managed to lock myself out one cold November day) And I didn't know the neighbours so I couldn't go over to any of them and wait it out.

Me and the Stace. Her ready for a night out, me straight from work.

Such and awkward photo of me and Stephano (friend of Stace) Doesn't he have the sparkliest eyes? Me with unwanted bangs that were finally growing out and I didn't know quite what to do with them.

My beautiful city - taken from the Saddledome on a -30 night between periods of a hockey game.

Our section neighbour at a Hitmen game I went to with the Britt- we had to see this for alot of the game. And since its burned into our retinas, I thought I'd pay it forward. :-)

Lattes at a super cool place on 3rd Street SW, Calgary. Mine's the heart, Julie's is the flower. And obvs, we were order # 8.

Pic sent to me by a friend passing through good ol' Blues Mills. He had no idea I'd have this response, but I burst out crying!! See, I'm NOT unemotional.

There - a peek into my mobile life! ha

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