Friday, September 17, 2010

The Tower - In Various Forms of my Boredom

No internet at my place has several draw-backs, one of which I will showcase below.

I get bored. Very bored.

And tool around with my fake Photoshop.

(this is the view of the Calgary Tower from the Streetlight trailer), in normal, non-altered view.

This is the tower if there were actually high-rises and the Tower itself in 1898.

This is the Tower if you lived in Blues Mills and peeked through the blinds (if you had blinds)everytime a car drove by your house.

This is the Tower if you thought the Fresh Breath strip you used was actually acid.

This is the Tower if Calgary ever flooded, which isn`t took far off the target after this non-summer.

This is the Tower if there was some freak accident of nature and the sun was high in the sky at dusk ...

Dontcha feel smarter just reading this post (my question mark doesn`t work, weird, i know! so just say the word post in a slighter higher pitched voice to simulate a question mark)
Later faithful readers

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